> you clicked 'the cromer'
the cromer
The Cromer is an artefact (the hourglass you're always seeing in MVs - example in the image from Diary Film) that 'imitates' the moon's movements - meaning, it works according to the moon's phases (each phase has a different use).

the moon
As I've mentioned the Cromer works according to the moon phases - it does not work on its own (as far as we know). Here's what some phases mean (the confirmed ones):
full moon: during a full moon, the person or group of people that have the Cromer can move / travel from one dimension to the other.
crescent moon: during a crescent moon, the person or group of people that have the Cromer can deliver messages through dreams.
universe with multiple dimensions
As implied by the full moon's paragraph, this storyline's universe is made of multiple dimensions (we don't know if they're a certain quantity or infinite, but chances are there's infinite dimensions). So far we know with 100% certainty of 2 different dimensions - Ateez's original one and HalaTeez's one (mentioned before in the 'characters' section), though the chances of certain MVs from the treasure series depicting a 3rd or 4th dimension are high (but that hasn't been confirmed yet).
click here to learn more about halateez's dimension, specifically strictland
> you clicked 'strictland'
As mentioned before, Strictland is the place where HalaTeez are from. In here, human lifespan increased to 200 years and people have 40 years of education (requirement to 'learn how to live there').
Here the government is extremely authoritarian and repressive, having AI systems to control its people. As a way to prevent people from revolting against the government several laws were made with the main goal of eliminating human emotion (the government believed this was humanity's biggest flaw and 'disease').
The main law we know of is the prohibition of art, dance and music. Anyone or anything that threatens this law is apprehended (this is where HalaTeez come in).
Three MVs in which we can see Strictland are:

Deja Vu

Say My Name

*SMN's location is the Android Guardians' bunker - here is where they keep anything related to art, people's energy / memories, the Cromer and the Black Pirates at one point (as seen towards the end of the Deja Vu MV)
! more info about events that take place in Strictland is in the 'the fever & treasure series' section